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Dog Care In Monsoon, pet care, cat care

Dog Care In Monsoon, pet care, cat care Dog Care In Monsoon, pet care, cat care Dog Care In Monsoon, pet care, cat care Dog Care In Monsoon, pet care, cat care Dog Care In Monsoon, pet care, cat care

Dog Care In Monsoon

Monsoons are here, and it has started raining cats & dogs in almost every part of the country now. The rain gods have finally showered their blessings after the long and hot summer.

Here are 8 things you can do to ensure the monsoon is an enjoyable time for you and your doggie.

Keep them clean and dry
You can go enjoy that dance with your dawg in the rain showers. But make sure to come home and wash your pet with warm water and an anti-fungal soap or shampoo.

This is especially important if you live in an urban area. The high pollution levels in cities often cause the rain to be acidic. This can harm your pet's skin & coat and must be washed away to prevent the onset of rashes or skin diseases.

Washing with plain water is great; the antimicrobial shampoo completely alleviates the risks of an infection. Bacteria and other microorganisms need a warm and moist environment to reproduce and multiply. A dog's fur in the monsoon is like Ibiza for them. Make sure it is always clean and dry. Use a fresh towel or even a blow dryer, if needed.

Protect the paws

Pet paws are much more sensitive than they look. Therefore, if you take your pet out for a walk during the monsoon, make sure their paws are protected. Apply a thin coat of paw butter (Vaseline + Coconut Oil makes a great DIY recipe) before taking them out.

Once they are back, wash their paws with lukewarm water to get rid of any dirt or debris that may get stuck between the pads. Dry the paws thoroughly after you have washed them. Inspect the paws regularly for cuts and bruises.

Rain often washes off sharp pieces of glass or metal scraps out in the open. Your pet may accidentally step over them and get hurt. Do not ignore any wounds during the monsoon. They can catch infection soon.

Check ears and coat, often
Check your dog's ears and coat for ticks, fleas, or other pests. Monsoon is also the happy season for these pests. They often crawl and take refuge in your dog's moist fur, especially if your pooch tends to venture into tall grass or short shrubs during his walks. Hence, investigate your pets for ticks & fleas often.

Run your fingers through their coat, near their abdominal region, under the limbs, neck, and around their ears, and stop and study every bump or knot you encounter. Use a torch to inspect his ears (and the nooks and corners inside) for ticks and their eggs. Dont worry, dogs love all the attention they get during this exercise.

Boiled water only
Even though you must always give clean and safe water to your pet, even more caution is needed during the monsoon. This is because the chances of your pet getting water-borne diseases are higher than ever during this time. Always maintain a steady source of clean drinking water, boiled and cooled, to avoid diarrhea or an upset tummy.

Fiber up his diet for monsoon
There may be times when the downpour is so heavy that you may not be able to take your pet out for a walk. If your pet does not get the exercise, he may end up with irritable bowel. To ensure that his poop cycle remains unaffected, you should add natural fiber to your pet's diet.

This can be done by adding sweet potatoes, pumpkin, steamed green beans, and fruits like muskmelons and apples.This will keep constipation woes at bay. Be sure not to overdo the fiber intake as this may lead to bloating, gassy stomach, constipation, cramping, and diarrhea. 

Create a secure space
Dogs, like humans, get scared by the roar of thunder, and the flashes of lightning. You can help your dawg by having him snuggle up with you, or create a secure resting space that will be his calm abode for the rainy season. Make sure you stuff it up with his favorite toys, so he can cuddle them and calm his anxiety.

Deworm before the monsoon begins
A lot of monsoon-related illnesses are because of parasites. Check with your vet if the deworming may benefit your dog, and check for his upcoming vaccination schedule. Make sure your pet doesn't miss out on any of his shots because of the downpour.

Use protective rain gear
As cliched as it sounds, raincoats and dog boots may be able to prevent a lot of damage to your pet's coat, ears, and paws. However, if your pet doesn't like wearing these items, just make sure you wash and dry him well when he gets back home.

These simple steps can keep your pet away from all the issues that the monsoon brings along. As always, pay heed to what your dog or cat is eating. Their diet should support their immunity and must account for the lack of exercise during the rainy days. Always be on the lookout for any signs of skin issues and consult a vet immediately in case something acts up.

Published By: Admin
Published On: 3-August-2019
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