Petex X Protein is a unique dog supplement, which helps in combating stress, improves digestion, increases immunity, gains muscle mass, strength and maintains blood sugar levels, and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
For pregnant or lactating dogs and cats, convalescent (getting better after illness) dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.
Sick dogs stop eating. If they don't eat, they grow weak and die. Dogs recovering from Distemper (animal disease) or Parvovirus require high protein. But what can you do if they don't eat or vomit out what you force-feed?
Use this high-protein powder to coat their tongues. They are bound to swallow. Natural healing will take over when his body gets proteins.
Useful also for dogs in vegetarian houses where dogs usually suffer from protein deficiency.
Useful for all dogs and cats of all ages promotes excellent protein blending in the body and results in high growth/prevents degeneration of muscles in aged pets.
1 Scoop per 5 kg of body weight, 2-3 times per day.
Nutritional Analysis:
Each 100gm Contains: