Thrombofit is a therapeutic boom for the treatment of "thrombocytopenia" condition in pets due to tick fever, worm infestations, and also infective diseases, it improves thrombocyte count in dogs cats, and ornamental Birds. It is recommended to improve RBC & HB content in dogs and cats, the platelet count becomes a normal level after 3 to 4 weeks of daily thrombofit supple-mention, along with regular treatment.
Thrombofit syrup for dogs & cats from Sihil Pharma is a therapeutic boom for the treatment of Thrombocytopenia condition in dogs and other animals which rises due to tick fever, anemia, worms infestation, cancer treatment, and other infective diseases. It increases thrombocyte count, RBC WBC count & Hemoglobin levels. It improves platelet count in 3-4 weeks of use. Made mostly from herbs - it is natural and safe even in puppies or kittens.
Carica Papaya, Vitis Viniferra. Emblica Ofiicinalis, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula, Ocimum sanctum, Withania somniffera.
Each 10ml syrup contains 30mg of papaya leaf extracts and 1000mg of other ingredients.
The usual dosage is 1ml/kg bodyweight in pets.