The Himalaya LIV 52 Forte Tablet contains Achillea Millefolium, Cichorium Intybus, Himsra, Jhavuka, Kakamachi, Kasamarda and Mandur Bhasma.
It is used for the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis [liver disease], alcoholic liver disease, pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis (liver disease), anorexia (eating disorder), loss of appetite, and liver damage due to radiation therapy
Himalaya LIV 52 Forte Tablet is to be used as mentioned by the manufacturer or as directed by the physician.
Appetite stimulant: Liv.52 Vet is an appetite stimulant that increases and restores appetite in animals.
Hepatoprotective: Liv. 52 Vet also enhances the secretory and synthetic activity of the liver, which facilitates the overall metabolism of the body.
Regeneration of liver cells: The drug restores the architecture and function of the damaged liver by promoting the regeneration of liver cells.
Key Ingredients:
Caper Bush: Himsra extract is administered to treat preliminary cases of acute viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
Chicory: Kasani is helpful in the treatment of an enlarged liver and protects against hepatic damage.