An injured paw pad really dampen the spirit of an active dog. Use a Petex Paw Soft to protect your dog paws from cracking.
Coconut oil can help protect their paws from getting sore and irritated. It not only moisturizes the skin on the paws, but it can act as a protective balm, and create a barrier between your dogs paws, and any irritants. You can use the Petex Paw soft for the pets.avaliable at
Petex Paw Soft product keep your dogs paws safe and moisturized. If boots dont feel right for your best friend, try Vaseline or a paw balm such as petex paw soft, captain zack paw. The balm or vaseline also keep their paw pads hydrated.Therefore you can definetly use the vaseline on dog paws.
Petex Paw Soft is a worry-free solution to protect your lovely pup’s paws and elbows from cracking. Naturally, moisturize, nourish, protect, and soothe your pet’s sensitive paw pads and elbows with our natural healing butter.